Quick start

Quick overview of the library

Creating a new multibyte string is done by using the static method from.

use Opis\String\UnicodeString as wstring;

$str = wstring::from('ăĂâÂîÎşŞţŢ');

By default, it’s assumed that your string is encoded using UTF-8. If your string is encoded using another encoding, you can pass the name of the encoding as the second argument of the from method.

use Opis\String\UnicodeString as wstring;

$str = wstring::from($string, 'ISO-8859-1');

Once created, you can use the resulted object in the same manner in which you would use a regular string.

echo $str; //> ăĂâÂîÎşŞţŢ
echo 'foo ' . $str . ' bar'; //> foo ăĂâÂîÎşŞţŢ bar
echo $str[0]; //> ă
echo $str[4]; //> î

You can chain multiple methods to perform operations against a string.

use Opis\String\UnicodeString as wstring;

$str = wstring::from('ăĂâÂîÎşŞţŢ');

echo $str->substring(3, 4)
         ->toUpper(); //> ÂÎÎŞ

The UnicodeString instances are immutable and work in a similar manner as C# or Java strings.

use Opis\String\UnicodeString as wstring;

$str = wstring::from('abcd');

echo $str->toUpper(); //> ABCD
echo $str; //> abcd